
Little Big Planet 3 – PS3


Little Big Planet 3 took what made the first two good and expand into a variety of items for you to explore. The main characters Sackboy, Oddsock, Toggle and Swoop don’t make this feel like a Little Big Planet 2 DLC pack. Create mode is also new and exciting with over 70+ new tools for you to use and a bunch of new stickers, materials, soundtracks, and more. Plus you can import your profile from Little Big Planet 1 & 2. Your earth including Profile Picture, published levels, decorated Earth, reviews, comments, and more are imported to Little Big Planet 3 on both console.

There are some cons to Little Big Planet 3 however, the game comes with some bugs, most of them fixed by the patches released. Another flaw is you very rarely get to play as the three other heroes in the story. Heck, after unlocking them, you get to play one level as them, then a boss battle, then on to the next area where you revert back to Sackboy then do the same thing. The only time were you use all four characters at once are in the final boss battle.

LBP Store-LBP3


Warp – PS3


This cute, yet extremely violent top-down puzzler will be loved by anyone who doesn’t mind puzzles. It can be beaten in several hours if an experienced player hurries, but with the time-trial challenges, hidden grubs, and hundreds of rooms to navigate through, there’s a lot of time to have fun with. Very addictive and funny.




Soundshapes – PS3


The game of Sound Shapes is a slasher. It’s a puzzle-slash-music-slash-art-slash-platformer-esque game that put’s you in the place of an ambiguous blob who sticks and rolls along through colorfully crafted surfaces making music wherever it goes. What draws you in are it’s personal visuals but what keeps you sucked in are the albums you play through. With contributors such as Beck and Deadmau5 you can expect an experience given by no other.

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